In this article, we will explore the fundamental flow of effective Soccer Coaching Drills that not only engage young athletes but also help develop their basic skills. By incorporating these drills into your training sessions, you can create a fun and educational environment that fosters a love for the game. Whether you’re a coach or a parent, understanding and implementing these Soccer Coaching Drills will lay a solid foundation for the future growth of your young soccer stars.
Help I coach 4 and 5 year olds. It is really hard to keep their attention. Can you suggest some drills that I can work with them on? Coach Katherine,
Coach Katherine, when dealing with 4-5 year old players you really don’t need much help! What you do need is lots of PATIENCE!
But, to answer your question: Do not look for any ‘drills’ to keep these children active. All soccer players including your 4-5 year olds come to practice to PLAY! So make your first goal to: KEEP the PLAYERS and the SOCCER BALL MOVING in other words KEEP THEM ACTIVE – ALL THE TIME PLAYING SOCCER!
Tell Them the ‘Practice’ Rules and What They Will Learn.
Note: Since they all have a ball and Since they are moving (your objective) you may want to continue this portion for a looong time. Be sure to add more simple instructions for what you want them to do with the ball (pull-back) and again … Don’t worry about the technique just keep them and the ball moving J
PATIENTLY Try to teach them ‘how to’ attack one goal while defend the other..
SEE (observe) if they learned what you tried to teach them in the 1+1 game.
Teach them (PATIENTLY) what will happen at halftime.
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Have teams of 2 or 3 players play against 1 or 2 other players.
Cooperative (Teach)…
Talk to them and help them attack and defend the appropriate goal.
Competitive (Test)
SEE if they learned what you tried to teach them in the cooperative game.
Cooperative (Teach)…
Talk to them and help them attack and defend the appropriate goal.
Competitive (Test)
SEE if they learned what you tried to teach them in the cooperative scrimmage.
Very Important:
Have them pretend that they are ‘stretching’ their muscles – just like the big players. Use this time to give each individual some praise for improvement.
Give the team praise for improving and give them a homework assignment (play 1vs.1 against brother, sister, Mom or Dad).
To keep it simple…Make your first goal – To Teach the Children ‘How to’ keep the ball and themselves moving… Make sure they eventually go to attack one goal and also defend their own goal. Teach them the “FLOW” and with lots of PATIENCE you will find your 4-5 year olds actively PLAYING in your practices.
If you keep changing from drill to drill (lots of variety) they will not understand what you want and you can not build on that!
No Understanding = No Learning!
Final FUNdamental Words of Wisdom:
It is rather sad that we organize this wonderful sport at such a young age.
It would be wiser if administrators made every effort to just organize PLAY DAYS for the children in this age group. That is, have a Saturday when the children are dropped-off at the playground. Yes, have the parents go home and enjoy some quality time together while their children are outside in a safe environment – PLAYING SOCCER!
Final Notes:
Have a question? Please send it to me at:
Thank you for taking the time to read this article and Sharing it with your soccer community.
Your FUNdamental,
Koach Karl (Karl Dewazien)
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