Farpost Soccer Nets: Trusted by Professional and Amateur Clubs Across the USA and Canada

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Active Soccer Coaching or Passive on the Sidelines?

Thursday, September 28th, 2017

My experience has been similar. I also have witnessed both active soccer coaching and the passive sideline coach . I also have been instructed not to coach during games or during practice scrimmages. I also have been an active and a passive sideline coach at times. Here is my take on the situation.

Active Soccer Coaching:

I think the coaching style observed probably depends on the relationship developed between the coach and his/her players. For example, I have often had serious, but inexperienced players, request positional help from the sideline. Such players do not feel comfortable enough to make game-play decisions on their own which might make them responsible for poor team results. These players need help, requested help, and appreciate help.

Also, I find it very difficult personally to coach positional play at practice when attendance is sparse and certainly not sufficient to coach 11 v. 11. Therefore, there are games that I identify as a “practice” game. During that game I am usually very “active”. We might be working on a different style of play (man-to-man vs. zone defense; or high pressure vs. low-pressure defense) or a change in positional play (4-4-2 when we normally play 4-3-3). These game day practices are highly beneficial for long-term development.

Also the intensity of these “practice” games can not be replicated at practice. Another reason for “active” coaching is immediate positive feedback from the sidelines. Speed of feedback has been proven to be instrumental to learning. “Active” cheerleader type of coaching may help form a strong competitive bond with his/her players.

Passive Coaching:

Players play for enjoyment. Active coaching can severely hinder the enjoyment of playing and if negative can even totally destroy player enjoyment. Additionally, significant “active” coaching can lead to player dependence on coach decision-making rather than player-developed decision-making. Therefore, restricting player development.

Even occasional active coaching can cause player indecision. These players may be caught in moments of two minds. “Passive” coaching can eliminate these concerns with active coaching. I personally try to include in every practice session a restriction free “passively” coached scrimmage.

active soccer coaching

Final Note: Thank you for taking the time to read this article and Sharing it with your soccer community. Clicking Like and Commenting on this subject is very much appreciated

Written by; Wallace Leese
FUNdamental SOCCER Contributor

Your FUNdamental,

Koach Karl (Karl Dewazien)

Soccer Goal Company Shares Cures for Sideline Coaching

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017

As a soccer goal company, the team at Farpost understands that it can be hard to combat the horrible, anxious gnawing that eats away at you when your team is not playing like you planned. The whole game keeps changing with the movement of the ball. Your instructions are being ignored or not heard, understood or applied. Nothing you practiced is working. Your coaching effort is going down that drain.

There are a number of possible alternatives for you or some of your parents: Are you interested in statistics? Keep stats. It can be simple stats like shots taken, goals scored, passes attempted, passes completed, steals, etc. The statistics can be as complicated as you want. Is match analysis your thing? If so, add diagrams and notes to your stats and make plans for what to cover at half-time and in the next practice.

Talk to the substitutes. They are not facing the pressure of a moving ball, confined space or an active opponent. They have the room to listen. They may even be apprehensive about going into the game. Explain to them what you want them to concentrate on when they do go in. Point out examples of good play they can emulate. Sometimes it helps to just lighten up. Based on what you see on the field, crack a joke or two about what you must have overlooked in practice.

Prepare for half-time by checking your notes, making sure that the drinks and and cleat cleaners; etc. are ready.
Take pictures. That’s right, bring your cell-phone and take action shots. One coach I know religiously takes pictures at every game and puts them on the teams’ website. He says it takes his mind off all the worries that might otherwise bedevil him to shout and scream. His parent and players have wonderful memories from the time they spent on the team.

How well do you know your parents? Take time to get better acquainted. Strike up a conversation with each of them. Some parents get down on their kids. Point out something that a parent can praise.

Some parents are shouters themselves. Maybe, they are hurting inside because their child is not playing quite up to the level of Messi. Maybe there are even worried that someone will think this reflects adversely on their parenting.Talking to the parents will divert them from shouting and will help calm their fears and anxieties. Choose from one of the above or create your own diversion, But, do something to leave the players alone so they can enjoy and learn from the game.

Farpost Soccer Goal Company

Final Note: Farpost Soccer Goals Company thanks you for taking the time to read this article and Sharing it with your soccer community. Your Comments on this subject are also very much appreciated
Your FUNdamental,

Koach Karl (Karl Dewazien)

Necessities to Run a Successful Soccer Practice

Monday, August 14th, 2017

To function as teammates and opponents,Screen Shot 2017-08-14 at 8.12.59 PM

Take into consideration, the number at practice , age,  and skill level.

Screen Shot 2017-08-14 at 8.13.04 PM

Weaker Players:

-Work with ball
-Large field
-Less opponents

    Stronger Players:

-With/without ball
-Smaller field
-More opponents

Screen Shot 2017-08-14 at 8.07.39 PM

Final Notes: Thank you for taking the time to read this and Sharing with your soccer community. Please send your thoughts and ‘words-of-wisdom’ on this subject to me at: koachkarl@fundamentalsoccer.com Thank You..!

Your FUNdamental,

Koach Karl (Karl Dewazien)


Ordering Portable Soccer Goals for Practice

If you are interested in getting portable aluminum soccer goals to start training following the shot for rebounds on, a good place to order from is Farpost Soccer Goals Ltd. Farpost Goals builds very high quality portable soccer goals that are used by clubs across North America. They are built for competitions and everyday training, making them a great asset for coaches. Visit Farpost’s online store to order yours.

If you have any questions or require any assistance in picking a soccer net for your coaching practice, please don’t hesitate to contact Farpost Goals.

An Anology for Youth Soccer Players

Friday, July 28th, 2017

When it comes to guiding youth soccer players on their journey, every coach and parent wants to find effective ways to support development. In this article, we’ll explore a unique analogy that can help youth soccer players understand the game more deeply and build essential skills. Whether they’re just starting out or looking to elevate their play, this approach aims to inspire youth soccer players to reach their potential on and off the field.

Would children become proficient at playing a computer game if…


…an adult decided for them which game they would enjoy playing the most?


…they were given a ‘new’ game to play each time they sat down at the computer?


…they had to read the manual and know all the applicable rules before they could start?


…they could only play at certain scheduled times with an adult present?


…they could only play on the computer twice during the week and once a weekend?


…they were forced to play more than five times on certain weekends?


…they had to wait in line to get an occasional stroke on the keyboard?


…the week day game was totally different from the week end game?


…the computer room was usually full of noisy, gawking, emotional adults?


…the adults were in charge of turning on the machine, putting in the game, etc.?


…the adults hit the keys while the child was able to watch the action?


…allowing the child to hit the keys but giving a running commentary every action taking place?


…the adults insisted the child stroke the keys in a certain manner?


…the action at the first level was so frantic that the child could not succeed?


…the action at all levels was so slow that all the child could do was succeed?


…the monitor blanket-out leaving only the audio portion of the game?


…the game had a glitch that froze the action and the child could not figure out how to fix it?


…the computer explained ‘how to’ avoid making future mistakes after each and every mistake?


…the game was arranged in such a way that there was only one way to win?


…the computer did not record the scoring results of previous games?


…the adults anticipated and encouraged the child to beat the previous high score?


…the child was rewarded only when they were able to beat the previous high score?


…parents compared scores with family, neighbors and friends?


Common sense tells us that children would not enjoy playing or improve playing computer games under these conditions. Why do we often put them in the same environment when they are playing soccer (sports)?


Final Notes: Thank you for taking the time to read this and Sharing with your soccer community. Please send your thoughts and ‘words-of-wisdom’ on this subject to me at: koachkarl@fundamentalsoccer.com Thank You..!

Your FUNdamental,

Koach Karl (Karl Dewazien)



Youth Soccer Teaching Tips: What We Need To Teach In Defending!

Tuesday, July 18th, 2017

Effective youth soccer coaching is crucial for developing essential skills, especially in defending. By focusing on Youth Soccer Teaching Tips, coaches can teach players key techniques that enhance their game. This guide highlights vital youth soccer teaching tips for defending, helping young players build confidence and teamwork on the field.

Train Toward:  ALL players becoming immediate Defenders when our team losses ball possession!






1.  Read the Game (Glance)

2.  Run to Defend  (1st Block the Goal then Pressure the Ball)

3.  Ready Stance (Sideways-on

4.  Reject Advancement (Delay)

5.  Regain Possession of the Ball (Poke or Tackle)


READ the GAME —  (Glance).

Memorize:  ‘Ball in flight  — Look left and right’.


Train toward:  Taking the eyes off the ball during the serve.

Seeing the present situation and anticipating future options.


RUN to Defend — To first block the Goal and then pressure the ball/opponent


Train toward:  Walking, Jogging or Sprinting at the appropriate time to help COVER.

READY STANCE instinctive position assumed when the opponent has the ball.

-BALANCED             – Playing on the balls of the feet, not flat footed

-MENTALLY ALERT – Ready to move in any direction

-SIDE-WAYS ON – Overplay to right or left shoulder to make play predictable

-THERE YOU GO – Force dribbler in direction you want him to go


Train toward:  Staying on your feet and shuffling sideways.



-Forcing the 1st attacker to go in the direction you want him to go

-Moving the 1st attacker towards a less dangerous area or teammate

-defending 1/3 = force away from goal & toward the goal/touch lines

-midfield 1/3= force toward teammate and/or touchline

-attacking 1/3- force towards opponents goal

Train toward:  Knowing ‘when’ and ‘when not’ to Shepherd



–POKING– Faking and making attempts at the ball

-SLOW           – Slow down the dribbler

-LOW              –  Bend knees and go sideways into the Ready Stance

-FRONT FOOT- GO! – ‘Poker’ fakes and makes attempts at the ball


Train toward:  Making convincing attempts at the ball.


–TACKLING– Taking the ball away from the opponent  by

-SLOW           – Slow down the dribbler –get between the ball and the goal

-LOW              –  Bend knees and go sideways into the defensive stance

-FRONT FOOT – GO!  To the side of the ball –blocking side movement

-BACK FOOT- GO!  –  To the middle of the ball like a push pass


Train toward:  Making only shrewd and assured tackles.

defensive team tactics - soccer goals soccer tips






Final Notes: Thank you for taking the time to read this and Sharing with your soccer community. Please send your thoughts and ‘words-of-wisdom’ on this subject to me at: koachkarl@fundamentalsoccer.com Thank You..!

Your FUNdamental,

Koach Karl (Karl Dewazien)





Wednesday, July 12th, 2017

Effective youth soccer teaching tips are essential for coaching young players and enhancing their game enjoyment. This blog will highlight key youth soccer teaching tips to improve attacking skills. By applying these tips, you’ll help players develop their abilities and foster a love for soccer. Let’s explore the key concepts in attacking play!

Train toward: ALL players becoming immediate Attackers when team gains ball possession!




            Five R’s for Attacking Techniques

1.  Read the Game (Glance)

2.  Run to Attack       (Move)

3.  Receive the ball  (1st Touch)

4.  Retain the ball   (Dribble)

5.  Release the ball (Pass or Shoot)



READ the GAME —  (Glance).

Memorize:  ‘Ball in flight  — Look left and right’.


Train toward:  Taking the eyes off the ball during the serve.

Seeing the present situation and anticipating future options.


RUN in ATTACK – Positioning to help teammates and hinder opponents

Using either support runs, check runs or dummy runs.


Train toward:  Walking, Jogging or Sprinting at the appropriate time to SUPPORT the Attack.

RECEIVE the BALL …BRING BALL UNDER CONTROL  — 1st part of 2-touch play

-MEET IT! – Move into line of flight

-GREET IT! – Use the ‘Magic Hop’ to relax the cushioning body part

– Cushion the ball on contact


Train toward: Not letting any ball get by you.

Not letting any ball bounce!


RETAIN the BALL …KEEP BALL UNDER CONTROL  — 3 or more touch play

-MEET the opponent – Go straight at him and force him to defend.

-GREET the opponent – Use a fake/feint to get him off-balance

-BEAT the opponent – Explode past him taking advantage of fake/feint.


Train toward: Tap the ball and Glance sequence!



-PUSH the ball slightly ahead

-PEEK to see the teammate/goal

-PLACE the ball into space/goal


Train Toward:  Accuracy over power!


Note:  This is one of the more difficult concepts for young players to develop.

soccer ball position (1) soccer ball position (2)





Final Notes: Thank you for taking the time to read this and Sharing with your soccer community. Please send your thoughts and ‘words-of-wisdom’ on this subject to me at: koachkarl@fundamentalsoccer.com Thank You..!

Your FUNdamental,

Koach Karl (Karl Dewazien)







Soccer Training Solo Tips: Juggling & Passing

Wednesday, March 1st, 2017

If you’re looking to improve your soccer skills independently, incorporating effective techniques into your routine is essential. In this blog post, we’ll explore Soccer Training Solo Tips that can help you enhance your juggling, passing, and overall ball control. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, these Soccer Training Solo Tips will provide you with valuable drills and insights to elevate your game without the need for a partner. Get ready to take your training to the next level with these practical Soccer Training Solo Tips!


Q.  I train a lot by myself and I like to get tips and training methods, so that I can develop into a ‘great’ soccer player.  Bill H.

FUNdamental Response

First, Bill, you are not alone when you train to become a ‘great’ soccer player. You have a ball and you must make that ball your friend.

You can make all your soccer dreams come true
Once you can make the ball do what you want it to!

Soccer Ball Juggling

Soccer juggling drill and practice tips for youth soccer coaching

This means that you must work on – Juggling the ball.  That is, keeping the ball in the air using:

  1. Your instep – the area where you tie your shoe laces
    • Be sure to bounce the ball from right to left foot and vice versa.
    • Avoid using only your strong foot – go from right to left instep.
    • Keep score of your highest repetition and beat it on your future attempts.
  1. Thigh – Your goal is to go as many times from right to left thigh as possible.
  2. Head – Your goal is to head the ball as many times as possible.
  3. Combination of the above – Instep-Thigh and Head!

Sequence should be: Lift the ball with your feet, tap it with right and left laces; tap it from thigh to thigh and finish juggling with your head. You know your goal is to set a ‘new’ record with each attempt.

Second, you are not alone when you train to become a ‘great’ soccer player if you find a wall or a bench that you can use as your partner.

Wall as your partner

Soccer passing drill and practice tips for youth soccer coaching - solo skills

With a ball and wall as your partners pass and/or shoot the ball against the wall while work on the following techniques:

  1. Read the Game: (Peek/Look) Take your eyes off the ball while it is traveling to and from your wall or bench.
  2. Run to Attack: (Move) Move toward every ricochet ball — do not wait for it to come to you.
  3. Receive the Ball: (1st Touch) Bring the ball under your control — use body parts that give you problems in the game. Don’t forget the ‘magic hop.’
  4. Retain the ball (Dribbling) Keep the ball under control — move the ball around objects; pretend to beat imaginary opponents with body feints or foot fakes.
  5. Release the ball (Pass-Shoot) Practice your passing or shooting techniques against the wall or bench, etc.


Everyone is to be congratulated for having the ambition to work out with your friend the ball and your partners (wall or bench). You will find that this extra work will pay huge dividends in the future. Keep up this ‘private’ training and you will surely be a success in your soccer career!

Your FUNdamental,

Koach Karl (Karl Dewazien)


Buy Soccer Goals for Home Practice

If you are interested in buying excellent soccer goals for home to train on, check out Farpost Soccer Goals Ltd.. Farpost Goals prides itself on building top quality portable soccer goals that soccer players, coaches, and soccer clubs are always 100% thrilled with. Our high quality portable goals are used by clubs across North America, they are built for competitions, small sided soccer, soccer practice, tournaments, tryouts, and training at home! They are great at home and in the field visit our online soccer goal store.

If you have any questions or require any assistance in picking a soccer net for your backyard or home, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Why Portable Multi-Purpose Goals are Great for Physical Education in Schools

Monday, May 20th, 2013

Multi-purpose goals are essential tools in physical education, enhancing athletic skills and promoting teamwork. Their versatility allows educators to adapt lessons for various sports, from soccer to basketball. With multi-purpose goals, students can engage in diverse physical activities, fostering a lifelong appreciation for sports and fitness.

It’s never a teacher’s favorite part of the job, but managing equipment is a necessary part of physical education. For every sport that students play, equipment needs to be purchased, stored, and set up—tasks that can use up time and money better spent elsewhere.

By allowing physical education teachers to use just one goal for a wide variety of sports, Farpost’s portable, adjustable goals can help make that job easier. Teachers will discover a number of benefits when they choose Farpost:

Value – Instead of having to pay for several different goals designed for individual sports, teachers can free up budget money by purchasing an adjustable Farpost goal. Each goal quickly and easily adjusts to three different widths—the 8’x4’ can be converted to either 6’x4’ or 4’x4’, and the 18’x6’ adjusts to 16’x6’ and 12’x6’—which means one goal can be used for a variety of sports and age groups.

Durability – Physical education departments can also save money by choosing Farpost’s durable, aluminum goals over cheaper, plastic alternatives. Farpost’s goals come with a lifetime warranty on the frame and a 2-year warranty on the net, meaning teachers won’t have to worry about replacing broken equipment. Schools across North America have been using Farpost goals for 10+ years, and the goals still look great and perform well.

Usability – Farpost’s portable, adjustable goals will save teachers time by making it easy to set up fields or gyms for different sports and age groups. There’s no going back and forth to the equipment closet: with a few quick snaps a soccer goal can be used for a hockey game or narrowed to accommodate younger students. And, once the game is over, every Farpost goal can be broken down and placed in a small carrying case for easy storage.

Farpost’s multi-purpose goals can be used for a wide range of sports. This versatility makes them the perfect choice for physical education teachers looking to get the best value for their school’s dollar. And, because the goals are durable and easy to use, teachers will get to spend less time setting up the equipment and more time in class.

Helping the Environment (and Your Bottom Line) with Farpost Portable Soccer Goals

Monday, April 29th, 2013

The last thing a coach wants to deal with is broken equipment. A cracked goal or torn net can cost coaches valuable practice time and, of course, will also cost money to replace. But this waste isn’t just an issue for the coach: keeping damaged goals and nets out of the trashcan—and out of landfills—should also be a goal for any soccer team looking to go green. Fortunately, it’s easy to tackle both these issues by choosing one of Farpost’s built to last, aluminum portable soccer goals.

To help coaches avoid the hassle and waste of discarding and replacing broken equipment, every Farpost goal is made from sturdy aluminum and comes with a lifetime guarantee. Unlike cheaper plastics, the aluminum in Farpost goal frames won’t bend or crack, no matter what happens to them (whether on or off the field). With these robust, lightweight frames, coaches will never have to worry about finding themselves faced with unusable portable soccer goals during practice or on game day.

To complement Farpost’s sturdy frames, the portable goals also come with a knotless, high-quality net. These nets have a two year warranty, but they’ll often last much longer. This means that, unlike cheaper options, the nets won’t need to be regularly thrown out and replaced.

While the initial cost of aluminum frames is higher than plastic alternatives, the durability of the aluminum goals allows teams to save money in the long run. Those who choose Farpost will avoid the cost of replacement parts and can expect a return on their investment in as little as six years. And, of course, Farpost’s long-lasting soccer nets and goals are also a big help to busy coaches, who will never have to worry about spending valuable time on broken equipment.

The wear and tear of practice, games, and storage can quickly crack frames and erode nets, particularly those made from cheaper plastics. By choosing sturdy aluminum frames that will last a lifetime, coaches can save themselves time and money while also making sustainability a part of every practice and game.

Coaches Across Continents Use Farpost’s Portable Soccer Goals in Community Programs

Friday, March 22nd, 2013

For many people, soccer is more than just a game. In thousands of schools, towns, and countries throughout the world, the sport provides a way for players, coaches, and families to work together to build communities and empower youths. As part of the worldwide soccer community, Farpost Soccer Company is always looking for ways to support organizations that promote soccer’s positive influence. For this reason,  Farpost is proud to provide portable soccer goals and nets to Coaches Across Continents (CAC).

The vision of former soccer executive Nick Gates, Coaches Across Continents offers more than just a sports training program. Using their specially designed soccer education curriculum, the coaches and educators of CAC have been using soccer as a vehicle for social change since the non-profit’s inception in 2008. The curriculum focuses on integrating on-field coaching and classroom activities into lessons that focus on issues like conflict resolution, female empowerment, conservation, and health and wellness (and, of course, lots of fun!).

In 2009, CAC launched their Hat Trick Initiative, a three year plan to grow the program by focusing on three key goals (hence the name):

  1. Coaches and local volunteers commit to building a sustainable, locally-driven education program that meets the particular needs of each community.
  2. Through the Community Impact Coach program, select community leaders will train with CAC coaches in developing communities around the world.
  3. CAC will provide soccer kit and education supplies to help communities build and sustain their programs over the long term.

This last goal is where Farpost steps in to help. As a supplier of adjustable, portable soccer goals, Farpost is uniquely placed to provide Coaches Across Continents with the equipment they need to get their community projects up and running. And, after CAC has completed their curriculum, Farpost’s portable goals are left behind to help communities continue using what they’ve learned. Farpost’s Sharpshooter goals are already being used in Kigoma, Tanzania, and more goals will be distributed to developing communities in Uganda in 2013.


Since 2008, Coaches Across Continents has worked with dozens of communities in twenty different countries, and with the help of local partnerships and sponsors like Farpost, is continuing to grow every year.